
IMG_5488 (1)

1- Opening Lecture: Paris COP21 and after

J.P. van Ypersele

Robert Vautard

Yves Bréchet

  • Presentation

2- EROI: Ecological, anthropological and industrial perspective

Charles Hall

3 – A case study : PV-Spain

Pedro Prieto

4- Intermittency and ressources: a historical perspective

Mathieu Arnoux

 5- Estimations of very long-term time series of fossil fuels global EROI

Victor Court

6- EROI of different fuels and the implications for society

Jessica Lambert

7- Suppose we agree on how to calculate EROI’s: Then what ?

Carey King

8- Grid and demand control

Nouredine Hadjsaïd

9- Renewables in Germany and Sweden

Friedrich Wagner

10- Electrical Grids

Johannes Dorfner

11- The EROIs of power plants: why are they so different?

Daniel Weissbach

12- Batteries

Fabien Perdu

13- Power-to-gas-to-power

Georges Sapy

14- Grids and demand control

Andréi Nekrassov

15- The economical impact of EROI: a monetary and macro-dynamic approach

Gaël Giraud

16- The energy-material nexus and the estimation of EROI for energy production

Olivier Vidal et Cyril François

17- Minerals availability and recycling limits: a constraint for ambitious and sustainable energy scenarios

Philippe Bihouix

18- Biophysical economics

Charles Hall

19- Transition engineering scenarios: what EROI tells us about the future?

Susan Krumdieck

20- Dynamical economic model in a finite world

Christophe Goupil

20- Long-term endogenous economic growth, EROI and energy transitions

Victor Court

21- Economic history, productivity and energy: the Gordon knot

Michel Lepetit

22- Technological transformations and social adaptations: the case of energy

Ivar Ekeland

23- Dedicating multi-scale approaches to low carbon prospective studies

Nadia Maïzi

24- A neo-physiocrat comment on Samuelson, stagnation, energy, EROI and the ZLB

Michel Lepetit

25- Summing all up

Jean-Marc Jancovici